Goal Achievement

Improve the Chances of Achieving Your Financial Goals

Improve the Chances of Achieving Your Financial Goals

In order to make your goals into a reality, make sure you know exactly how much it will cost to achieve the goal. Knowing the price will help you develop a realistic plan to achieve it, as well as give you an easy way to measure how close you are to your goal.

Your Financial Plan Should Be Grounded in Your Life Goals

Your Financial Plan Should Be Grounded in Your Life Goals

When developing your financial plan, focus less on your finances and focus more on the lifestyle you want to achieve. Your financial plans should be rooted in the life goals you want beyond your finances. No matter if your goal is to pay off debt or own a villa in Europe, your finances are simply a means to an end.

Eight additional uses of your net worth statement

Eight additional uses of your net worth statement

You're probably familiar with the net worth statement as a tool for getting a quick snapshot of all you own and all you owe. But the net worth statement is the Swiss army knife of your financial documents, allowing you to use it for a surprising number of purposes. Keep your net worth statement handy for helping with all aspects of your financial plan including your insurance needs, estate planning....