Personal Finance

6 Steps to Take in Response to Equifax Security Breach

6 Steps to Take in Response to Equifax Security Breach

The most recent Equifax data breach has left the door wide open on personal security. Getting your credit report is just the first step in protecting your identity. To fully protect your identity, you'll need to go beyond the three big credit bureaus to protect yourself against banking fraud, tax fraud, Social Security fraud, and other criminal activities.

New Poll Bearish on Stocks – Actually Bull$#!+

New Poll Bearish on Stocks – Actually Bull$#!+

A new Wells Fargo/Gallup poll is being used by some media outlets to suggest a stock market correction is coming. While no one knows when a bear market will start, one thing is for certain. It won't be a Wells Fargo poll which predicts it.

SEC Data Breach a Bigger Deal for Investors than Consumers

SEC Data Breach a Bigger Deal for Investors than Consumers

Consumers shouldn't worry about the most recent SEC security breach, as the information hackers got did not include private personal data. The hack does, however, point out a risk to investors and a special risk future government agency breaches could pose to consumers.

New Scam Taking Advantage of Fear Over Equifax Security Breach

New Scam Taking Advantage of Fear Over Equifax Security Breach

In the wake of the Equifax Data Breach, consumers are justifiably fearful of their financial security and how the stolen information could be used against them. This fear, however, is creating an opportunity for scammers to extract even more information from consumers, or to make new victims by stealing information from people who are not part of the original security breach.

How To Opt Out of Equifax's Arbitration Agreement

How To Opt Out of Equifax's Arbitration Agreement

Equifax's offer to provide one-year of free credit monitoring service comes with an arbitration clause which waives your legal right to sue Equifax. Here is how to opt-out of the arbitration clause and preserve your rights to sue Equifax or join a class-action lawsuit.

Equifax Response to Cyberattack is Lacking

Equifax Response to Cyberattack is Lacking

The Equifax response to the 2017 cyberattack is a good start but falls far short of what is needed for the company to live up to their responsibilities. Equifax's current offer to victims does not address the magnitude of the damage which was caused by the breach, and the true cost of Equifax's mistakes will be borne by consumers.

IRS Signals 1031 Exchange Threat

IRS Signals 1031 Exchange Threat

The IRS is trying to put the scare into real estate investors looking to push the timelines for 1031 exchanges. If you own investment real estate, a 1031 exchange can save you significant taxes, but the IRS is signalling it will aggressively enforce the rules.

These 4 Charts Will Tell You Everything About the Stock Market's Recent Decline

These 4 Charts Will Tell You Everything About the Stock Market's Recent Decline

The stock market is compared to a roller coaster for a reason. If you're concerned the recent drop in value is a sign you should get out, these four charts will help you put things in perspective. If stocks are the appropriate investment for you, don't let a drop in the market scare you into pulling out.



Your estate plan can't be a document which is created and then shelved. Over time, your estate plan will no longer reflect your actual estate. Ongoing maintenance is required to help your family avoid confusion, fighting, and even lawsuits.

Is Your Financial Adviser Infested with BICE?

Is Your Financial Adviser Infested with BICE?

The DOL Fiduciary rule is now in force, but there is a loophole for commissioned advisers which can allow them to maintain their current compensation model. Make sure you understand the Best Interest Contract Exemption and the implications it has on potential conflicts of interest which could influence the investment advice you recieve. 

Do You Know How Your Advisor is Licensed

Do You Know How Your Advisor is Licensed

Between the wide range of meaningless job titles and the alphabet soup of certifications and designations, it's easy for an advisor to hide how they truly do business. One thing an adviser can't hide, however, is how they're licensed. Knowing the license will tell you what they can advise on, how they are compensated, and whether they are fiduciaries.

How Much Life Insurance Is Enough

How Much Life Insurance Is Enough

Calculating the right amount of insurance is as much art as it is science. There are a wide variety of methods developed to calculate life insurance needs, including ones that rely on rules of thumb and make it easy to come to a number. Simpler methods make calculating your life insurance needs so simple you can do it in a few seconds with a calculator. But are they accurate?