Net Worth Statement

How to Create Your Net Worth Statement

How to Create Your Net Worth Statement

A net worth statement is one of the key documents you’ll need in planning your finances and achieving your goals. Creating your net worth statement might seem like an intimidating task, but for most people it’s actually relatively simple. Learn how to create a basic net worth statement in about 15 minutes.

Why Have a Net Worth Statement

Why Have a Net Worth Statement

The human brain is an amazing thing, capable of dreaming up whimsical fantasies about our personal finances and how we are doing with our wealth and our debts. Creating a net worth statement is one of the greatest tools we can wield in stripping away our fantasies and waking ourselves to the realities of our personal finances.

Eight additional uses of your net worth statement

Eight additional uses of your net worth statement

You're probably familiar with the net worth statement as a tool for getting a quick snapshot of all you own and all you owe. But the net worth statement is the Swiss army knife of your financial documents, allowing you to use it for a surprising number of purposes. Keep your net worth statement handy for helping with all aspects of your financial plan including your insurance needs, estate planning....