Tax avoidance

Itemized Deductions - Meet the Walking Dead

Itemized Deductions - Meet the Walking Dead

Don't assume this year's taxes and tax deductions will be similar to last year's taxes. The tax reform bill, which passed in December 2017, gutted most of the deductions and maimed many of the rest. Just like characters in . . . .

Plan to Hit Bigger Tax Deductions Next Year

Plan to Hit Bigger Tax Deductions Next Year

Financially savvy people know the best time to start on next year’s taxes is the beginning of this year. Your tax return is a historical document about what happened last year, so there is very little you can plan and change. Next year, however, hasn’t happened giving you control over the tax planning environment.

Tax Reform: New 2018 Tax Tables, Deductions, & Exemptions

Tax Reform: New 2018 Tax Tables, Deductions, & Exemptions

After lots of argument and fighting, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has been passed. Whether you like the tax reform bill or hate it, the reality is we have a new tax code for the foreseeable future. Here are key components of the new tax code which impact most taxpayers.

Stop Overpaying Your Taxes

Stop Overpaying Your Taxes

Your goal in filing your taxes should not be to get to a big tax refund so you can use the money all year long. You can use your tax return to help you estimate next year's taxes and withhold only what you need to pay your taxes. Withholding less will increase your take home pay each pay period. 

Maximize Your Tax Deductions

Maximize Your Tax Deductions

Your tax planning options are based on understanding and substantiating the expenses which may qualify for a tax deduction. Keeping records and documents of any expenses related to the categories in this article will help your tax preparer to maximize your deductions each year.

3 Surprising Things That Will Make You Keep Beneficiaries Up to Date

3 Surprising Things That Will Make You Keep Beneficiaries Up to Date

If you haven’t reviewed beneficiary designations on all of your accounts, your heirs can be severely impacted. Improperly set designations will override your will, could increase tax liabilities, and can cause financial difficulties for your family.

Four Questions to Ask Before Donating Property to Charity

Four Questions to Ask Before Donating Property to Charity

The benefits of giving to others are many, including health, happiness, and tax deductions. The complexities of the tax code, however, can cause unhappy surprises for those who donate without proper planning. Make sure you understand the answers to these questions before donating any property, including cars, personal items, stocks, or real estate.